
Showing posts from July, 2012

Slow Motion

There's something about you that makes me want to move slow There's never a rush when we're close Slow like southern honey hills and long kisses in your car Seems like with me you have all the time in the world to make love Wage a slow, slick war against each other's bodies Makes me wonder where I was hurrying off to What all the fuss was about Slow like the first time I saw you across the room when everything stopped People and sound went into slow motion You make me want to move carefully- sweet and silky Stay forever on these southern honey hills

Blue Toothbrush

What clothes you had left I washed and placed on a high shelf I knew they were there, but could find no heart to return them Too final, I guess I sleep every night in your grey tank top Sometimes convinced it's actually mine Make up a story in my head that I had bought it,  then forgot Though I am not prone to forgetting much at all The toothbrush was the final straw A harsh blue reminder every morning and night Remembering your compulsive battle against nicotine breath It should've been the first to go, really when things ended between us But it's still there, too That should've been the dead give away