
Showing posts from November, 2015

The Center of Things

Full to the brim of frothing questions and agitations, and like so much mourning, the only way out is through to find the center of things I am what I am after a thousand and one reasons to keep one foot out the door, believe me when I say, I am more exhausted than you when dealing with the ebb and flow of Me But perhaps not You, my love, are saddled with being the Rock and the Patience, while I have come undone to the stitches every which way since our first Day One Yet we breathe forward each time, finding a path through, placing pink and tender feet upon stronger ground Wobbling, as if the all the limbs are brand new But they are! They are brand new! Fresher minted than any good luck penny (Never in my deepest dreaming did I let myself believe I could actually Be. Happy.) And you say with a smile while we walk together, "You are who you are, and I love you" So, naturally, I want to run screaming away ('Cause that makes sense) and drink only from...