
Showing posts from February, 2016

Mimm, the Monster in My Closet

A. After much derision and research Through loads of therapy and reams of poetry I can finally admit to having a monster in my closet She's large and purple and fuzzy and rather shy She has three big green eyes, instead of one and wild pink hair Isn't fond of eating people but is very fond of cats (For petting, rather than eating) She does have an abominable temper, I must admit and it comes out at the most awkward occasions It's just that she hates being ignored almost as much as she hates being seen She doesn't fit very well in my closet these days (I don't tell her this, but she's pretty big for her age) I mean, ever since I found her it's been rather hard to put her back Even though she's prone to envy, pouting and insecurity Has selective hearing, falls in love too fast, has a bad temper and low self-esteem, with tendencies towards over thinking and moodiness Well, she's mine after all and it isn't her fault she...

When the Prompt for Your Writer's Group is "Lever"

My mind read "fever" which is why I was so confused How did the universe know my mind was aflame, my heart sick, my limbs tired? The poem by Lauren Zuniga says "This is the year of Quit the Dumb Shit" (So, I guess lever fits if it's my intention to open a new way) and I never argue with Zuniga I always forget, though, how much real change feels like breaking bones and the flu